AcademicConceptMachine Learning

Gaussian processes (GP) and Bayesian Neural Network

Gaussian processes (GP) and Bayesian Neural Network (BNN)

GP can be used for both regression and classification

Give a reliable estimate of their own uncertainty

A Gaussian process is a probability distribution over possible functions.

Bayesian statistics provides us the tools to update our beliefs (represented as probability distributions) based on new data

Bayesian NN

Type of GP weights are considered a probability distribution and Infinite weights

Integrate over all evidence of infinite weights is analytically intractable

Simulation or numerical based alternative approaches such as Monte Carlo Markov Chain (MCMC), variational inference (VI) are considered

We can use VI that minimizes the divergence of two distributions through optimization

KL-divergence between Q(W|θ) and P(W|X) is defined as

After training, we need to sample from distribution of weight to compute the point estimate. Hence we cn get an information about the uncertainty.

GPs are used massively in Geology, neuroscience and finance. In regard to when is the best time to use BNN and GPs in general I would suggest these situations:
1) If some domain/expert knowledge as prior knowledge exist. The best way to incorporate knowledge is Bayesian.
2) In case of limited number of samples. Over-fitting phenomenon wont happen. In addition, as we know the uncertainty of the model, we know where we need additional data points (in case we have access to the DAQ).
3) If we may have test samples outside the train set (e.g. outliers). Consider a model that distinguish cat and dog given an image. If we give it an elephant image, it's better to choose one with a low probability.
4) In case of Large variation in underling model (e.g. hybrid modes).
5) When the flexibility and the performance of the modelling is really important. Since in non-parametric approaches, the model is not confined to a set of model structure.

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