
Top papers: Voicecraft, T-Rex, Mixture-of-Depths

In the burgeoning realm of artificial intelligence, groundbreaking models are revolutionizing how we process language and images, enabling faster, more efficient computation, and providing unprecedented levels of interactivity. In this article, we explore three frontrunners reshaping the AI landscape: Voicecraft, T-Rex2, and Mixture-of-Depths (MoD). Whether you’re looking to harness the power of neural codecs for seamless speech synthesis, eager to dive into zero-shot object detection enhanced by text and visual cues, or excited about reducing computational overhead in language processing, our in-depth analysis will guide you through the latest advancements and practical applications of these AI wonders. Discover how these models are not only pushing the boundaries of technological innovation but also altering the fabric of multiple industries—from content creation to healthcare and beyond. Join us on a journey through the state-of-the-art in AI technology, where efficiency meets versatility, and the future is written in lines of code.


VoiceCraft is a neural codec model with two main capabilities: speech editing to modify existing audio, and zero-shot text-to-speech synthesis for generating audio from transcripts using just a few seconds of reference audio.

Model Architecture: It is an 830M parameter autoregressive Transformer trained on the Gigaspeech XL dataset. The model utilizes a 56M parameter EncodecModel with 4 codebooks of 2048 codes each.

On an RTX 3080 GPU, VoiceCraft achieves faster than real-time performance, generating 13 seconds of audio in around 8 seconds. For speech editing tasks, high audio quality is maintained with only 3 seconds of reference audio. However, it struggles with inputs exceeding around 90 words due to VRAM constraints.

Capabilities: VoiceCraft outperforms previous state-of-the-art models on speech editing tasks, though no quantitative metrics are provided. For English text-to-speech, it generates natural prosody and voice characteristics, but currently only supports the English language.

Implementation Details: The model was trained using the Montreal Forced Aligner for phoneme alignment. The codebase utilizes PyTorch, torchaudio, phonemizer, torchmetrics, and the Audiocraft library.

Setup and Usage: The repository provides a Jupyter notebook for inference and environment setup instructions using conda. However, getting it running requires making code changes and installing dependencies correctly. No multi-GPU or CPU-only inference is demonstrated.

The licenses are CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 for the code and Coqui Public Model 1.0.0 for the weights.
Why This Matters

VoiceCraft’s capacity to generate 13 seconds of audio in roughly 8 seconds on an RTX 3080 means youcan achieve faster-than-real-time speech synthesis, drastically lowering production times and hardware requirements for a wide range of applications.
Community Feedback

VoidAlchemy: “I opened a PR with an updated notebook. Direct link to it here:

Maybe it will help someone get it running, installing the dependencies just so was a pita.”


T-Rex2 integrates text and visual prompts in object detection to offer robust zero-shot capabilities, enhancing versatility across multiple fields like agriculture and medicine. 

It supports interactive and generic visual prompts, as well as custom visual embeddings, adapting to diverse detection scenarios. The project provides free API access for education and research, complete with extensive documentation for easy setup and usage.


Google DeepMind recently unveiled Mixture-of-Depths (MoD), boosting processing speed by up to 50% in tasks like natural language processing and complex sequence prediction.

Most of the compute is wasted because not all tokens are equally hard to predict.

This new method dynamically allocates computation in transformer models, optimizing resource use while ensuring accuracy. It processes complex tokens selectively and skips simpler ones, cutting computational overhead significantly.

Mechanism and Functionality: MoD checks each token’s complexity within a sequence, applying computation selectively to those needing deeper processing. This strategy moves away from the traditional approach of uniformly allocating computation across all tokens.

Skipping certain layers for specific tokens, MoD lowers the total floating-point operations per second (FLOPs) needed, making computation more efficient.

Performance Metrics:

  • Compute Savings: MoD cuts FLOPs by 50% during post-training sampling, marking a significant boost in efficiency.
  • Training Performance: It keeps accuracy on par with baseline models while using fewer resources, proving its efficiency.
  • Speed Improvement: MoD speeds up processing by up to 50% in certain tasks, improving model responsiveness.

Integration and Application:

  • Compatibility: MoD fits smoothly with existing transformer setups, including those with Mixture of Experts (MoE) technology for even better efficiency.
  • Hardware Optimization: It uses a static computation graph, ensuring predictable compute loads and better hardware use.

DeepMind provides detailed guides and source code.
Why This Matters

This paper is another reminder that LLMs are still in their early days: slow, expansive and inefficient. Creating cheap and fast models will open up a world of possibilities such as the ability to run models locally on our phones and GPUs. It could also drastically decrease the cost behind training and running LLMs.
Community Feedback

Teknium: “Does this still limit the maximum amount of compute useable though?”

Sandya Mannarswamy: “This reminds me of speculative decoding strategies, Instead of two different models, here it is intra-model, choose a simpler expert (identity fn, or even others but cheaper than full fledged expert)..”

Henk Poley: “I wonder if during training you could (ab)use this, and only actually train (or with a higher weight) on tokens mispredicted by the first X layers.

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